2023 Sermons

2023 Sermons

January 22, 2023 - Do You, But for God - Based on Matthew 4: 12-23

January 29, 2023 -  What Is Good? Based on Micah 6:1-8 and  Matt 5:1-12

Choose - Based on Deut 30: 15-20 and Matt 5: 29-30

The World Needs Salt - Based on Isa 58:4-12 and Matt 5:13-20

What We See By the Light of God - Based on Exodus 24:12-18 and Matthew 17:1-9

Death and Resurrection: Death is for real - Based on 2 Samuel 12:15b-23

Going Down to Go Up - Based on Genesis 37: 29-36 and 39: 1-3

Death and Resurrection III: Hospitality and Healing - Based on 1 Kings 17:17-24

Death & Resurrection III: Swallowed Up & Spat Out - Based on Jonah 1:1-6, 11-17, & 2:10-3:10

Greet One Another - Based on 2 Corinthians 13:11-13

Death and Resurrection IV - Based on Mark 5

Spontaneous and Scripted Rejoicing - Psalm 118:19-29 and Matt 21: 1-11

Greetings from Beyond the Tomb - Based on Matt 28:1-10 - Easter Sunday, April 9, 2023

The Resurrection of the Body - Based on John 20:19-29 and 1 Cor 15:50-58

Being Unleavened - Based on Isaiah 25:6-10 and 1 Cor 5:6-8

Part of Something Greater - Based on Psalm 23 and Acts 2: 42-47

The Well Is Deep - Based on John 4:5-29 - Pentecost Sunday - May 28, 2023

Created - Based on Gen 1:1-13 - June 4, 2023

Greet One Another - Based on 2 Corinthians 13:11-13

Where to go for good news - Isaiah 52:7-10 and Matthew 9:35-10:4

Unafraid - Based on Gen 21: 14-21 and Matt 10:24-31

What It Means to Sacrifice - Based on Gen 22: 1-14 and Matt 10: 34-39

What We Are Hungry For Based on Isaiah 55:1-5 and Gen 25:19-34

The Invisible Church Based on Matt 13:24-30 and Isa 44:6-8

Those Beans Are Magic - Based on Matt 13:33-35; 44-46

Wrestling for a Blessing - Based on Gen 32:22-31 and Matt 14:13-21

Peter the Rock Predictably Sinks - Based on  Matt 14:22-33

It’s Coming From Inside the House - Based on Matt 15:10-20

Building the Community in Worship: Getting Here - Based on Exodus 3:1-8 & Matt 18: 15-20

Sing ‘til the Power of the Lord Come Down - Based on Psalm 98:1-7 and 1 Cor 14:14-17

Building the Community in Worship: Honesty- Based on Proverbs 28:13 and James 5:13-16a

Building the Community: Hearing the Word Together - Based on Isa 55: 10-13 and John 1:1-5

Building the Community:  Come to the Table - Based on Cor 11:17-34

Building the Community in Worship: Hearing the Word II - Based on Mark 4: 2-21

Building the Community: Welcoming Children - Based on Deut 6: 4-9 and Matt 19: 13-14

Building the Community in Worship: Cheerful Giving - Proverbs 3:21-25 & 2 Cor 9:6-12

Based on Isaiah 1:12-17

Building the Community, Together with the Saints - Matt 5:1-12 and Revelation 7:9-17

Building the Community, Without Walls - Based on Ex 20:1-17 and Matt 21:31b-41

Gratitude and Service - Based on Deut 8: 12-18 and Matt 25: 31-46

Welcoming Joy: Prepare Him Room - Based on Mark 13:24-37

Welcoming Joy: Prepare the Way - Based on Mark 1:1-8
Welcoming Joy: Resound - Based on Isa 40:1-11 and 1 Thess 5:16-24

Ordinary Amazing - Christmas Eve Candlelight Service, 2023

Luke 1: 5-24 and Luke 1:46-55 - Sermon: Welcoming Joy: The Nations Prove
Based on Luke 1:39-56

Dreams for Our Children- Based on Luke 2: 22-40

Click Link See 2022 Sermons - 2022 SERMONS