Our Neighbors
We Love Our Neighbors!
We are proud to partner with the following organizations.
Cape May Community Food Closet
"The Cape May Community Food Closet is a volunteer organization focused on making sure that all members of our community have the basic necessity of food. Children can't learn and adults can't be productive if they're hungry."

Family Promise of Cape May County
Family Promise of Cape May County is a program designed to help families who are experiencing homelessness. We are a non-traditional sheltering program that only accepts families with children. A network of faith based organizations and over 1,000 volunteers provide temporary housing and meals for up to 4 families at a time (maximum 14 people).
The Branches Outreach
Founded by St. Mary's Episcopal Church, Stone Harbor, The Branches Center has grown to the point that it requires partnership with other churches and
organizations in order to support, sustain and grow
its programs to address the needs of the homeless
and marginalized people of Cape May County.

Stephen Ministries
Stephen Ministers are members of our congregation who receive special training to provide one-to-one Christian care to people in our congregation and community experiencing challenges in life - grief, loneliness, divorce, hospitalization, disability, job loss, and many other life difficulties.

Glenwood Avenue Elementary School BackPack Program
Many of the children are dependent on school lunches and programs for meals.
We send them home on the weekends with nourishing food in a backpack.
East Lynne Theater Company (ELTC) is a proven destination for theater lovers who crave the adventure of discovery. By bringing the American Spirit to the stage with its blend of provocative premieres and timeless classics, this award-winning Equity professional theater provides a portal to the past for a better understanding of the present.
Cape May MAC celebrates the history and enriches the life of greater Cape May.
They breathe life into the stories and places of the past and foster unforgettable experiences in the arts, history, and culture.
Travel in time—along the stairs, streets, and scenes that have drawn generations to our shores.
America’s oldest seashore resort welcomes you.
AA & AlAnon Meetings